David Silverthorn
The Studio on Chesapeake Dr, Greensboro, NC
Frequently Asked Questions
In this age of electronic submissions for jobs in film & television directors, agents and casting directors view your headshot, usually in thumbnail size, on their computers. As everyone knows, your eyes are the windows into your soul, but when viewed as a thumbnail, your eyes will get lost if you use a full length or even a 3/4 shot. That's why I mostly shoot what one famous long-time CD calls "The good, old-fashioned HEADSHOT." (She even yells it for emphasis!)
Of course, during our session I will mix it up and shoot some 3/4 and horizontal images, too, if you like. Either way you'll have a wide variety of shots to choose from.
Simply, your “look” is the type of person/character you can play. It's also how many wardrobe changes you'll make during our session. Your wardrobe, make-up and hair must support your look and not draw attention away from how you'll be seen. We will shoot 4 looks/wardrobe changes during your shoot.
It's very important in this business to ask yourself who are you? How will, or do, casting people see you? How do you want them to see you? For example, are you a casual businessperson, young mom or dad, leading man or woman or geeky teen? Discuss this with your agent if you have one. It may seem simple, but it is wise to examine this issue very closely.
We'll be shooting images for both commercial and dramatic work. If you are also a corporate spokesperson we can also shoot those.
(This is important)
For both Men & Women
Generally you should bring clothing that makes you feel confident and fantastic. Bring simple clothes that support your chosen looks.
Bring many changes of clothing. We will shoot 4 looks, but we want to have plenty of options to choose from. As an actor "less is more," but, when it comes to wardrobe for a shoot "more is better!" I have had more than one guy show up with only one tee shirt. Not cool.
Clothes can be black, textured, solid, bright or mid-toned. Solid colors are best. Long sleeves work best.
Compliment your eye color with your clothing. Blue eyes, blue shirt. Green eyes...you get it.
Bring lighter, more vibrant options for your commercial shots.
Bring darker colors for the dramatic images.
Some white options are ok, but don't bring a lot of all white clothes as they may wash you out.
Don't bring any clothes with logos or wild patterns.
Interesting necklines add a nice element to images.
Think textures. Keep it simple! Leather usually works well.
Always look your age.
Clothes should be clean & pressed!
Layering with jackets & sweaters is great.
Pants are best. Skirts & dresses restrict your movement.
I am not a fan of sleeveless tops for women. Short sleeve is fine, but unless your arms are ripped I fine it distracting in photos.
For corporate or spokesperson, pantsuits in darker solid colors work well.
Keep jewelry & earrings simple.
Unless your guns are like Dwayne Johnson's, leave the sleeveless shirts home. However, if you do have the guns bring a sleeveless for some shots.
A simple, dark tee shirt is a great choice! Don't forget textures & layers. A simple v-neck sweater is a great choice.
Men should bring a suit or sport coat, a couple dress shirts and a couple ties if your are going for a corporate look.
For your 3/4 shots have a couple pairs of dark pants or jeans
Earrings only for a character imaage.
Unless you are a seasoned, headshot-taking, make-up-applying professional, I highly recommend you hire a hair and make-up artist. Having a professional make-up artist in the studio will allow you to be completely relaxed during the session with nothing else to think of besides getting great headshots. They will be there to touch-up your make-up, knock-down shine and tame loose hairs. They will bring their artistry to the assignment. They’ll have tricks and techniques to add to the shoot.
Hire them for the entire shoot.
Men don’t usually need much, if any, make-up. You may do your own make-up or hire a make-up artist if you feel you need to or if you have any localized or temporary issues with your complexion. Usually just a base and some powder is enough. Please note, I am not a make-up artist and cannot assist much with make-up. Bring your own base.
Men should shave just before the session. However, if you want to come scruffy and shave during the shoot, that's fine, but you must bring your own shave cream, razor & towel.
For both Men & Women: Don’t get your hair cut in the days just before your session. Plan your haircut for at least a week before your session. Keep your hairstyle simple. Ladies, you must be able to recreate your headshot hair-style on your own for a casting.
If you do bring your own make-up artist MAKE SURE they have experience with make-up for the camera and professional lighting. Please do not bring inexperienced make-up artists.
Iron the clothes you've chosen for your shoot!
Get plenty of sleep!! Do NOT party the night before your shoot!
Drink plenty of water.
Relax and have a good time. A headshot session is fun and exciting!
A great attitude – bring a whole case of it!
Some of your favorite music.
Your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.
Did I mention to bring a terrific attitude?
Negative vibes or baggage.
Anything less than 100% enthusiasm.
Please do not wear any fragrance, cologne or perfume during our session.
DO NOT bring your cold or flu. If you are ill, PLEASE stay home and reschedule your appointment!
I greatly prefer that only myself, and my client be together in the studio during the shoot. Of course, there may be a make-up artist or my assistant present, but these folks are all working towards our common goal. Any other input is usually distracting and not helpful. So, please, DO NOT bring girlfriends, boyfriends or parents, unless they can remain COMPLETELY unobtrusive.
4 Looks
Low-resolution On-line gallery
High resolution disc of all images
All rights to ALL your images!
4 retouched shots on disc for duplication & distribution
Cash Only
Retouching additional images (on a disc) $15 per image
My goal is to have a successful session and to leave my clients more-than-satisfied with their final images. However, if a client is not satisfied, here is my reshoot policy.
After the session we will review all the session images together on the computer. That is your opportunity to voice any concerns you may have. If we missed something we simply go right back to work.
If you don't like any of your shots I will delete all of them and you are free to find another photographer with no hard feelings. There is no charge in this instance.
When you are fully satisfied that "we got it," I will then take payment for the session.
At that time I will begin to sort your images, upload your images to the on-line gallery and burn your high-resolution disc.
Once payment has been received the session is over and there are no more reshoots. If, after that time, you feel that we missed something a new appointment time will need to be set up and charged for.
1704 Chesapeake Dr, Greensboro, NC 27410